Sulzer loom weaving polyproplylene geotextiles

Circular looms weaving polyproplylene slit woven geotextile
Slit film woven geotextiles are manufactured by weaving flat strands of polypropylene on Sulzer or circular looms. These geotextiles develop strength at relatively low strains and improve the long-term performance of civil applications by 50-70% while saving money. A range of slit film woven geotextiles is available to a maximum width of 6 metres.
- Durable polypropylene yarns woven for dimensional stability
- High modulus, for immediate structural support
- Low elongation that reduces damage like tearing or puncturing
- Fabric strength suitable for encapsulation and fabrication in temporary or permanent structures
- Low cost
Slit film woven geotextiles aid in construction over soft or weak soils by providing separation and stabilization. They are typically preferred for applications where filtration requirements are less critical. While they are permeable, slit film woven geotextiles perform poorly when a gradient ratio test is performed. As such, they are not recommended for filtration applications such as bulkheads, erosion control or underdrains. They are ideal for soil stabilization and separation, for park-on/drive-on applications and walkways. Other applications include:
- Construction run off control
- Temporary construction entrances
- Airport runways and taxiways
- Paved and unpaved roads
- Haulage roads for logging and landfills